Archive - April/May

It's been about three months now since I started calling Berlin, for the third time around, my home. I arrived in the city early April, just in time to see the cherry trees blossom and to be fooled by the springtime sun into wearing too little clothes too late at night. One day when scanning my calendar I realized it was my birthday, and that almost a month had passed without me even noticing.  
With 4-days work weeks due to public holidays, 30°C heatwaves and outside lunch+dinner dates by the canal, May felt more like pre-summer than spring. As if it went straight from warm winter to chilly summer. 
I know it can take time getting settled when moving to a new city. Remembering the opening hours of your close-by grocery stores, dealing with the never-ending paperwork and getting used to living in a shared flat again. Sure, Berlin wasn't exactly new in that sense, but looking back at the first two months it's as If I had never left. 