W. 7 & 8

After spending more or less three weeks alone I was bored to death by my so called life in Karlskrona. Using all my free time spamming out resumes, portfolios and interviewing for internships I couldn't care less for but didn't dare to decline. The two combined led to me homesickness-calling my mom for the first time in a year.
Some days later I realized I'll probably miss living here as soon as I move. Being woken up by seagulls, constantly surrounded by the ocean, able to consume perfectly cropped jeans for 30kr at Röda Korset, maybe I'll even miss the constant wind and my beige lino flooring. Or not. 
On Wednesday evening, I flew to Gothenburg. Took a long walk in the forest with Mathilda , went window shopping with my brother, had the second best concert experience in my life (best will 4ever be Justice at Hultsfred 2012), enjoyed the spring sun with my mom, drank beer while laughing at hipsters with the two best friends in the world, and spent all the time remaining with Christoffer while telling my mom I was staying at my friends. 
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